Saturday 16 July 2011


OK, harini nak jawab random questions yg telah di tag oleh ladyliyana. saja la kann. bosan bosan. aku pon tak tahu nak update apa kann. Ok, stalker(s) sila baca. :)

1)The phone rings. What is your ring tone
Rolling in The Deep- Adele

2)Did you go anywhere yesterday? 
KLCC, Pavillion

3)Who was the last person you shared beds with? 
Syapik (anak sedara umur 6 tahun okk)

4)Favorite drink? 
Fresh oren, ayor masak

5)Does the person you like know that you like them?
tak tahu, simpan lagi bagus

6) Last time you talked to your mom and what is the topic?
When my mum called and the topic " kamu tahu tak yang harini ktm berenti sampai KL Sentral ja?"

7) Where are you right now?
Depan laptop main game monopoly dan jawab soalan soalan nih

8)If you HAD to kiss the last person you kissed, would you? 
of course bebeh

9) Favorite gadget in the kitchen?
Mesen Basuh. 

10) Favorite pie? 
tak minat pie. pie dalam add math tu aku tahu la.

11)How is your hair? 
ada hightlight merah kat depan. Rahsiaaa la. aku muslimah takkan nak bagi tahu kott

12)Where's the last place you walked to? 
Dorm sebelah

13) Last time you had a sleepover?
sleepover ni ape ?

14) What are you doing?
Main masak masak
15)Have you been in a car accident?

16)What is the last thing you said aloud? 
WOW! nak tahu tak ada berita HOT!

17) Who's the 1st person on your missed calls list?
Sayang Ayah

19) What did the last text message you received say?
Faizah UIA : x balik ke hafizah suaid? (dia tanya aku balik bilik ke tak, dia ingat aku overnite. =_=)

20)Last time you went to the beach? 
masa cuti sem 3, p Pangkor dgn rakan rakan batu gajah

21) Story behind your myspace song? 
Tak ingat lagu apa kat Mespes

22) What's bothering you right now? 
Penutup broadband hilang

23)Wallet: ada lesen, duit siling banyak. ada tulis ROXYAH, beli guna duit scholar. :P
24) Eyes : bengkak sebab selalu tak cukup tido
25) Life: peace and happy life! =_=

26) Doing this weekend to come.?
assignment grammar tak siap hoi, 

baju kelabu tulis player,seluar tido biru. BILIK KANNN

nak balik RUMAH!

29) Listening to.? 
The Times~ Singapura ke Kuala Lumpur

30) What shampoo brand you are using ? 
Loreal pink

31) Do you sleep sideways, facing up or down?
tak sedar apa yang terjadi. :P

32) Do you like seafood.? 

33) Do you play soccer.? 

34) Do you consider yourself as a study freak.? 
MEMANG MENIPU LA KALAU AKU NI STUDY FREAK. mesti aku dah deans list kalau study freak!

35) Do you speak another language other than English. 
Bahasa Melayu, Arab. hihi

36) What did you do last night.? 
Tengok KL gangster.

37) What do you hate.? 
I hate what ALLAH ask me to HATE

38) Orange or apple juice.? 
Orange la. fav tuuu!

39) Who were the last people you went out to lunch with.? 
Jiha, Wani, Amalina, Shifa, Pak Mustapa, : Food Court KLCC

40) Last thing you ate.? 
Mee Goreng Mamak.


  1. naseb baek penutup broadband aku dah siap tertambat

  2. tak minat pie?
    apple pie kat mcd sedap la~
